sábado, dezembro 16, 2006

Electric Spots

Electricity born
After Sunset it can guide us
through Electric Spots to
Light Angels
Electric Spots Theme>> To be updated soon


domingo, outubro 01, 2006

The Sea & The Mountain

Before us, Earth lived.
Nature as his soul and
rational randomize
The Sea went to visit the Mountain.


Where´s Home, back?

We didn't arrive yesterday,
maybe here only,
Is there any Home? Our Home
need go back? Life is future


A dream about a wall

We all see with our mind,
reminds me a dream.
Polarity must be division?
Better look closer.

Wall Dream Theme>>


Memories of Landscape

Some spoke about elements,
they'll come to you,
if can’t ear the legend,
got your mind, that will do.


sábado, setembro 30, 2006

Kosmos - The Acces Code

The voyage starts,
searching directions,
Silence can be up first.

Kosmic Theme>>To be updated soon